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Fishing like life is about passion. Growing up in a maritime community, fishing came first. When school let out my summers were spent "Down the Bay," knocking around in boats and working with baymen. Hip boots, cane pole, pocketknife and crab nets were necessary tools of discovery. Days end I would arrive home unrecognizable, covered in marsh mud, pockets were filled with everything from frogs, crabs and the day's bait of choice. My Mom would greet me at door with a clean towel and bar soap, then point me in the direction our outside shower. My head filled with stories of the one that got away.

Mom remembers these days differently. She stood paralyzed in disbelief as neglected creatures left in depths of my pockets wound their way through the ringer of our outdoor washing machine. These critters appeared like celluloid cartoons figures, tattooed in her laundry basket.

Our dinner table was the forum to share the days adventures. It was the wide-eyed excitement of my family and friends that stirred my desire to share my experiences and misadventures

Today, working full time as a hunting and fishing guide, I am reminded daily why I choose this life; for me it's about sharing my passion of the outdoors. I feel privileged to hunt and fish with friends, veteran clients and perfect strangers. And it's a bonus to be a part of those sublime moments, when time seems to stand still to celebrate the re-connect between man and the natural world.

Being witness to such things is "big medicine," and comes with the responsibility of sharing it with others. Hence photography offered me, what words could not.

Capturing these images is another story. I am constantly doing battle with the hi-tech world of today's camera technology in an effort to share these moments with you.

Bringing these images home has been a journey. And this journey has been anything but spontaneous, nor can I claim it as my own. Friends have prodded me along the way reminding me how lucky I am to do what I do and see what I see.

Sam Talarico, one of todays most creative and innovative outdoor photographers, and good friend, has been a constant source of encouragement and inspiration. Lefty Kreh remains a quintessential source of positive energy and insight, while continuing to rock my boat with comments like, "You want compliments, see you mother."

I've been both lucky and fortunate to have such mentors. My photos may not be technically perfect. These images are simply small windows of time that I have been privileged to witness and capture. My vantage points have been the flats skiffs, duck blinds, bays, creeks and blue waters on countless days through all the seasons and places I've been.

I hope you enjoy this guide's eye view.
Capt. Barry

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